10.05 — 10.06.2018
Zasób 5

6 lessons with Alaa

Teatr Ósmego Dnia godz. 19:30
Zasób 6
Jasmina Metwaly
Zasób 6

In the aftermath of a political event, visual documentation gets lost in the midst of an overwhelming archive. The documents become historical, when the evidence is no longer urgent or momentary and its impact is secondary. In the attempt to capture these moments, I search the footage for blurs, cut-outs, and fragments that seem unrepresentative enough or perhaps useless to the event at the time of the making. What did we learn from the political event? What was performed and captured? How was it turned into a spectacle? The archive is vast and teachings endless. Lessons with Alaa are perhaps useless in that they de-contextualize what happened and lose their evidentiary function.