Revolution Infrastructure
Zofia nierodzińska, Cyryl Zakrzewski
Galeria Miejska Arsenał
godz. 12:00
Along with Cyryl Zakrzewski — a Poznań-based carpenter and sculptor— we will build architecture for conceiving, planning and making a revolution, making use solely of materials encountered in the gallery’s basement and nooks and corners. Built in the exhibition room will be a bookcase of remains of MDF boards bought for a Leon Tarasewicz exhibition, a foam armchair left after Magda Starska’s ritual, a metal flower pot-chair from Gosia Szymankiewicz’s installation, a table made of cubicles left after the Rooki book fair…
DIY anti-architecture is to transcend the minimalist aesthetics of a contemporary art gallery. It is a praise of joyful, folk creativity liberated from the stiff standards of sofisticated design.